Enquiries about training content: contact the respective training manager.
Enquiries about login problems and LMS operation:
Select ‘Trainee’ or ‘Administrator’ from the chatbot at the bottom right of the screen to ask a question, and the AI will answer. (Chatbot reception hours: 24 hours a day, multilingual support available)
If the problem cannot be solved by the chatbot, an enquiry form will be launched, so enter the content and send it, and the support centre will reply by email. (response time for emails: 2~3 working days, in Japanese and English).
In case of emergency, please call the telephone number displayed on the chatbot. (Telephone support hours: 9:30-17:45 weekdays, Japanese only).
If the chatbot does not appear, click on the JICA-VAN logo in the top left-hand corner of the screen.